With the discovery of plastic flutes in town, the boys have found a new favorite source of entertainment on the compound. Our ears now wake each morning to the sound of roosters crowing and flutes playing. And they fall asleep each night to the sound of a cricket’s chirp and a flute’s unending flight. These days are filled with the sound of music.
In addition to flutes, our boys enjoying playing the “shaker,” the jerry can, and the tambourine while singing and whistling their favorite melodies throughout the day. Surrounded by so many tunes of late only refreshes my thoughts of writing a children’s book on this place. The only appropriate title? “Ghost White and the Merry Tribesmen.” Starring none other than our own merry tribesmen: Star, Dust, Dog, Tree, Feather, Goat, Sitting Fox, and the lot. Maybe one day…. :)
For the time being, my project is to record, edit, convert, format, and transfer their happy songs. Sounds a bit robotic, eh? It is. But with a good cup of Kenyan coffee, it’s really not a bad chore at all. :) And to hear the final product – our boys singing and playing their hearts out on “radio”, as they say, is certainly worth the effort. We look forward to sharing these recordings with other Toposa Believers in Kapoeta town and to including them one day on oral Bible devices which can be distributed in many surrounding villages. Each song, you see, tells part of the Story.
Last month, we had a special opportunity to share this Story in a distant village. Some local Believers in Kapoeta invited us to accompany them on their ‘missions trip’ to Natchukut. Jeremy and I were eager to accept, going with these Believers and several of our own boys on a 2-hour walk to reach ‘base.’ After praying together and receiving instruction from the group leader, we were divided into four small teams led by three young men (Toposas) and their Turkana mentor. Then we scattered. Going in four different directions, we were each told to minister in at least two villages before returning.
A young man named Anjelo led our team. Arriving in the first village, he walked directly to the “elder” present and asked permission for our sharing of God’s Word. Soon, the villagers began streaming from their huts, gathering in a semicircle around us. Our sweet Nakurio led in a song, then Anjelo began telling the story of Nicodemus. The people listened attentively, with more being added to their numbers as the story turned into his own personal testimony. My heart was overflowing with joy as I saw the passion and zeal of this young Toposa man. At the end, I was given the opportunity to pray over the group and then to pray with some individuals who came forward.
Our group was late coming back to ‘base’. Anjelo was so fired up that he determined to take us to three villages instead of two. We were so excited to see the Spirit working that we were ready for whatever adventure He might have had for us.
In one village, we listened to a woman share her own testimony after Anjelo finished his. This woman gave her life to Christ a couple years ago and has continued serving Him faithfully since. Her witness has been made strong in her village so that people are now coming to her to hear the Stories from God’s Word and to receive answers to their many questions about this God-man, Jesus.
After our teams came back together, we had a quick refreshment and time of prayer. Then the teams set out again, determining to go to at least one more village each before beginning the journey home. Unfortunately (or so I thought at the time), I’d become rather ill from the heat and was really not fit to continue with the others. I was asked instead to rest under a tree and wait for the others’ return. Though feeling frustrated with myself, I could hardly do otherwise. (Little did I know the beautiful gift God had in store!)
Two ladies sat across from me under that big shade tree. I’d been told they were Believers. Though I wanted to fellowship with them, I really didn’t feel like it. With a throbbing headache and sick stomach, the last thing I wanted to do was get myself into a deep mother tongue conversation. That’s why God sent help my way. Anjelo decided at the last minute to stay behind, along with our sweet Lopua. Two young men who inspire me by their love for the Lord and their excitement to share His Word.
“We will be your interpreters, if you’d like to share your heart and encourage these ladies in English,” they said. (Praise God for them!)
But first the ladies shared with me. Such beautiful testimonies of God’s grace and the Spirit’s continued work in their lives! I could feel my strength increasing as they spoke, our spirits somehow uniting in the joy we ALL felt at God’s miraculous power to forgive and change our hearts of stone.
When they had finished, the Lord brought a Story to my mind. There, under that big shade tree, Anjelo, Lopua, and I shared the story of Joshua and the Israelites as they crossed the Jordan River. With rocks and sticks, we illustrated the grand crossing and the miracle God performed on behalf of His people. But that miracle did not pave the way to an easy life. Many challenges would come to the Israelites as they followed God's leading into the land He had promised. And with each challenge would come a new opportunity to step out in faith, another chance to show the world that the God Who had saved them from bondage was ever worthy of their trust and confidence.
We prayed, thanking God for the miraculous works He had done (and was continuing to do) in our lives and asking Him to renew our strength as we faced trials. May He increase our faith in these times - that by our witness we might bring Him glory, leading those around us to trust His promises for themselves.
Before setting out on the journey home, all the team members gathered under the tree to pray and worship in thanksgiving once again and to share testimonies. We rejoiced together that four villagers (men!) had accepted Christ during the day and had afterwards been referred to other Believers in the area for discipleship.
How we praise God for that sweet time with our Brothers and Sisters in Natchukut!
So beautiful! Thank you!