Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sleepy, Tree, and the Prophet Isaiah

I met Dog, Monkey, and Rooster. They were all the talkative sorts.
Star rose every morning to shine. A first class drama queen, of course.  
One day I encountered Big Thorn, Mischief being his middle name.
Always on the run was Clinic. Side-splitting laughter was his fame.
Then there came a tall, quiet Tree, whose face displayed carvings of years gone by.
Alongside him was one Sleepy, known for his soft-toned voice and laid-back stride.
Isaya, in love with God’s Book, would wake very early to read.
He at last joined Sleepy and Tree, all Three introverts to the tee.

Sleepy, Isaya, Tree
Lopua (Dust) and Lorot (Path), who came to Kenya for schooling this February, were once the primary church leaders on the H4S compound. Both were able-speakers, as well as fine interpreters when guests would come. After their departure, a big void was left. But not for long. God intended not only to see this need met, but also to bring Himself tremendous glory by choosing three introverts - Tree, Sleepy, and the Scripture-Lover, Isaya, to fill the gap. We rejoiced in His providence as we witnessed these reserved young men displaying Spirit-filled boldness in proclamation of God’s Word.

Please pray for them – that the Spirit of God would continue pushing them farther and farther out of their comfort zones, pulling them nearer and nearer His side, and propelling them closer and closer to the demonic strongholds in Toposaland, fully armed (Eph. 6) and set ablaze with a passion for God’s glory.

A Sudanese Smorgasbord

Our assignment in Kapoeta over the past two months was a Sudanese smorgasbord. Each day brought duties of varying sorts as we oversaw the school, church, and clinic, as well as the boarding boys on the Hope4Sudan compound. The Lord was faithful to teach us many things through the challenges we faced.

Mark teaching Sunday School

After dealing with meetings and business matters each morning, I would start on other projects (homemaking, preparing Stories and devotions, working in the missionary compound), while Mark would go out to visit with the boys.

With sweet Lokor

It seemed God was bringing five particular young men closer to us this term – Tree, Sleepy, and Isaya (mentioned above), Lodapal (a lame boy), and Lokor (mentally-handicapped). Mark was able to spend quality time with each of these on a weekly, if not daily, basis. My time outside the home was spent mostly with Lokor and Noeline (the nurse at H4S). These relationships were an absolute joy to us – seeing the three introverts gaining more Spirit-induced boldness to speak God’s Book, watching Lodapal grow in his confidence and ability to share his heart with a friend, seeking to bless Lokor by showering him with our love and attention (and being so sweetly blessed by him in return!), and striving to be a friend and encouragement to Noeline.

Through studying the Gospels and the teachings of Ray Van der Laan (Biblical historian) over the past several weeks, we have been learning more fully the importance of sacrificial relationship-building, as well as the true meaning/implications of ‘disciple-making’ in a Hebrew context. This knowledge challenges us daily and has caused us to begin praying more fervently for CHRIST’s passion and commitment in life-on-life ministry. If you pray for us, join us in this request. We are praying the same for each one who stumbles across this newsletter.

Storying in Church

“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink. As the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:38)

We are asking God for more prayer supporters and financial partners in this ministry. If you would like to partner with us in either (or both) of these ways, please e-mail us at darah4sudan@gmail.com (prayer supporters) or click here to donate through our sending agency (World Missions). 

Thank you for partnering with us in the Gospel!


  1. Praying for you both, for you all. We're prayer partners here in South Carolina.

  2. Thanks SO much, dear Rebecca! We appreciate you all and your steadfast prayers much more than you know!
